A Woman Of Color?

Really? AOC looks like a bar of Ivory Soap.

If that were the case, I don’t think the RWNJ hysteria would be near as intense, and Trump wouldn’t be telling her to leave.


Not every European looks Swedish. She simply looks ethnic, to me anyway.

what does “looks ethnic” mean in this context?

I believe he means “Ethnic-Swedish”

My wife is half Greek and she has three 100% Greek cousins. Her cousins look far more ‘people of color’ than does AOC. So too her Greek/Italian cousins; yet they are all considered to be White Europeans.

Puerto Ricans are considered “people of color”. They certainly are treated as such in the United States.

I guess you missed the terrific Maria response.

I guess it depends on the person doing the considering; I have worked with several Puerto Ricans and I never considered them to be ‘people of color.’

It’s funny, Libs used to refer to ‘people of color’ as simply colored people.:rofl::rofl::rofl:

This Puero Rican guy I worked with was flirting with the cleaning girls (everyone did), anyway the general manager gets pissed cause he is spending way way too much time on the flirting - so the GM tells him to sweep the floor the guy tells him SWEEP IT YER OWN FUCKING SELF!

Then he comes over to me cause he had just moved from NYC and I used help him with area questions

he sez I just tol that guy over there to sweep it his own fucking self -

Wow - somehow he did not get fired - I don’t how not but he survived as it was kind of a no nonsense place

He did not know who he was talking to as he was new

Funny story.:rofl:

This guy is living in NYC and he goes to the corner store with his 5 year old – and gunshots break out all over

he comes home and tells his wife we are leaving NYC - cause it’s to dangerous fer the kid



Angel was his name - good guy

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