Adblock is being rendered useless

Some sites are so stupid, you have to disable Adblock completely instead of only whitelisting the site

They made a “Adblock blocker blocker” (script that hides adblock) but it’s not working in most places

I was wondering how long would take these fuckers to start doing that

I’m going to start looking for sites that have as few ads as possible and bookmarking them

Screw the rest

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So I’m working from home today and had time to install it on my desktop. Haven’t had a chance to play around online yet, but I’ll let you know my impressions.

It’s pretty nice, at least on Yahoo and some other sites, you don’t get a News page or home page filled with ads and clickbait (well not as much anyway)

What browser do you use

Good, because Yahoo used to be my go-to and even my home page before all the ad bullshit.

I think it’s IE 11. It’s IE, I do know that.

Use firefox - it’s ten times better

dude, anythings better than IE, I was skeptical, I used FF first and then moved over to Chrome, and they are both way better than IE, you’ll be surprised, you can download them both or just one to see. IE is bloated and slow.

chrome sucks

ff or opera - both fucking outstanding - fuck ie and chrome

Yeah I may have to try FF again, but for the most part I’m satisfied with Chrome, especially with win10, Chrome is more stable now, at least it seems so.

Yeah, I keep meaning to do that. The problem is I am on a fukking PC all day for work and tend to avoid them when I get home. I spend maybe 20 minutes a day on my home systems. Most of my evening postings here are from my android. That’s why most of my evening posts never include the original post quoted in my replies. I haven’t figured out how to do that on my android.

yer not listening -


How so?

Adblock counts the blocked ads in the little box next to the the icon. I had 22 at one time on yahoo the other day. 20fuckin2. Ridiculous.

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Yeah I look at that once in a while.

I use FF mostly, but it sucks on android, so I use Chrome on my tablet. Some sites don’t recognize me as on a mobile device with FF and it screws up the page.

Use Opera then

I basically hate surfing on Android

I hate typing on touch screens

Yeah, well there’s that.

Yeah, it sucks reading the little screen too, but I can carry my phone around in my pocket. I ain’t gonna lug no tablet around. I bought a fukking tablet a year ago and have used it maybe 5 times total. if I’m in the house and need to go online I might as well use my laptop which has a 17in screen.