At least we'll have a graceful, sophisticated first lady again

instead of some big assed hippy hop hypocrite.

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Even if I had been considering Clintoon, after that disgusting “performance” by Sheboonce it would have been over. That shit is not my culture and I am sick of having it shoved into every aspect of our lives.

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Say, isn’t it against liberal values to bash women?

After all, Melania did those things decades ago

You wanted the wife of Mr. Make Monica a Humidor in the Oral Office

Things kinda cancel each other out in this case :stuck_out_tongue:

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Maybe you missed the non stop ridicule that was directed at Michelle Obama the last 8 years. (See OP for a hint)



And that’s why I expect a shitload of attacks against her, same way the left here is hunting Marcela Temer everywhere.

If I will defend or join the bashing, that will depend on Trump’s actions :smile:

We also have a stunning 1st lady.

Feminism only respects “respectable” women. If you run around getting naked you’re a filthy whore.

Some of us just reject hypocrisy, a couple years ago, people on the right were distributing some old porno pics and saying that one of the ladies in the pic were Obama’s mother and how disgraceful that was, now we have a Lady soon to become the First Lady and her clearly documented porno past is being held up as some great art and achievement on her behalf.

Hmmm, but isn’t getting naked the much preferred method of protest by most feminazis?

Not that I’m complaining about it, ya know.

No, I really don’t think it is.

Where is it being held up as some great achievement?

Come on, don’t deny the truth

Just google femen

Read the subject line of this thread.

Not sure that femen represents all women interested in Women having a level playing field.

I read sarcasm and lots of it.

Most feminist protests here are full of boobs too, but hey, we’re brazilians

Ok, I’ll admit real feminism is not about boobs or superiority to men, it’s about equality and respect

And a lot of feminists stay true to those principles

But some of the newer crop, ROFLMAO

You guys also have to give me a break, I’m traumatized and wary of the lefties in Brazil

Believe me, you guys are nuns compared to them

Maybe so in this case, but I’ve been seeing a lot of that sentiment expressed on FB, also a shit load of People are acting as though Trump is putting God back in the White House and in the Country, Trump might be a lot of things, but I have never seen anything to suggest he is a practicing Christian. (leaving aside all the 1st amendment issues etc)