Black moves next - black loses

lebron is black?


if he takes the bishop I win his queen and the game down the road

Do you see it Rabbit

well do ya?

It’s genius

I confess, I don’t.

ok ok

he take the bishop

I put him in check with my queen

he has no choice but to move the queen between my queen and his king

I then check the king with my rook which forces him to take the rook

I then win his queen

genius (well almost)

Sure but why should he take the bishop?

never mind…

The bishop is free - why would he not take it

a queen will lay fucking waste to a rook and a bishop

no contest - they will be assimilated with little effort

Because you are giving it to him?


I was thinking more along these lines…

22 … Qxb5
23 Qd8+ Qe8
24. Qd6+ Qd7 (yeah, you have a perpetual if you want it)
25. Qxa8 and wins the exchange with the threat of either picking up the bishop or continuing the strong attack on the king.

Question for six…could you beat Magnus if he had to play without his queen?

Without a rook?

Get serious fella - OK



I know where I stand in the chess world

I could prolly play a lot better but still be nothing but a poser