Bring down that flag!

Are you now retracting your statement? Sounds like a backpedal to me…

No. What I am saying, is that I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR POSTS.

Then why do you spend so much time whining about my posts, even when I am not posting to you?

And let’s never forget this little gem:

Because I don’t like the juvenile games. Duh.

And if you can’t read sarcasm, I will try harder to remember to use the sarcasm font.

So I learned on the innernetz that whining about someone is taking responsibility for them.

The more you know!

Seems Boob is arguing that he is the most responsible person here.

Anyone who has ever read any of your daily childish battles with Lotus knows that’s a lie.

That’s one perspective.

But we don’t call each other homoerotic names like school boys, you do.

,and your point is?

What’s the difference? Name calling is name calling.

Some people watch waaaay too much Faux

Now the fascist progs want to eliminate the American flag. No surprise there…

flags are for fags, remember that!


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