Can the Huskies upset the Tide?

I’ve been reading about Balto (1919-1933,) who was Gunnar Kaasen’s lead dog in the final two legs of the1925 Nome Serum Run which saved many lives of young people in Nome.

The only serum that could stop the deadly diphtheria outbreak was in Seattle, Washington. The engine of the only aircraft that could quickly deliver the medicine was frozen and would not start.

After considering all of the alternatives, officials decided to move the medicine via multiple dog sled teams. The serum was transported by train from Seattle to Nenana, where the first musher embarked as part of a relay aimed at delivering the needed serum to Nome. More than 20 mushers took part, facing a blizzard with −23 °F (-31 °C) temperatures and strong winds.

Balto proved himself on the Iditarod trail, saving his team in the Topkok River. Balto was also able to stay on the trail in near whiteout conditions; Kaasen stated he could barely see his hand in front of his face. Balto’s team did their leg of the run almost entirely in the dark. The final team and its sledder were asleep when Balto and Kaasen made it to the final stop, so Kaasen decided to continue on. At Nome, everybody wanted to thank Kaasen at first, but he suggested giving fame to Balto as well.

Balto has a statue in Central Goddamn Park, he’s that kewl.

So ennyways, I noted this morning that the spread has shrunk to maybe 13.5 and I think anything under 15 is worth playing in this game. Moreover, the upset odds are over 4 to 1 playing straight across. I just found someone willing to pay 4.5 to 1 and I took a bunch of that action.

Cross yer fingers, peeps.

The Huskies did have a stellar season(For them, they spent most of the last decade in mediocrity), this could be the big upset.