Coffee and a blow job

I hate the Army! Everyone who ever joined was a witless fool! But hey I got them benefits… call me veteran. Give me preferential treatment.

He was drafted. And he did his time. What do you not understand about that? I think everyone who got drafted and went to Vietnam should get restitution.


Of course.

I never said he shouldn’t.

I was just saying he’s a fooking idiot for spitting on the hands that feed him.

Smalldicksix is also a fookin idiot for judging everyone in the mil en masse. As bad as Cons with Muslims and Libs with gun owners.

Judging people en masse just proves you know nothing.

You have a point there.

I’ve always been a morning guy. Where’s this now?

Holy smokes Normus, don’t you read before you poast? This was p0asted a mere 360-ish days ago!

In fact you have the last p0ast in there, 4 days ago

He’s totally senile. He won’t remember what you just said long enough to reply. Might find it in 6 or 10 mumphs.

Tell me again about hostility amongst members here.

Facts are facts, friend.

My bad. I never read the OP and never saw the thread until your timely necro last week, which enticed Bromo to do his thing. I’ll merge.

Oh, so now it’s Borro’s fault. I see. (eyerolls)

Have some more Bourbon, pal.

Will do. :smiley: