Does 2 coffee filters make stronger coffee

Cause it goes down slower?

Yer just introducing more chlorine into yer Java, which is fine if you like that sort of thing.

Coffee kills chlorine

Just add Splenda, then

Did you miss the part where I sed it was coffee - why ruin it - black is the only way

Stevia fer you

There’s no chlorine in Stevia.

You can buy unbleached coffee filters.

So no one has an answer

Logically it could make the coffee stronger…but only if it DOES slow down the flow, which according to my kitchen timer does not appreciably happen.

Somewhat counter-intuitively, I have a backup metal filter that I use when I run out of paper filters. It flows faster, but I actually think the coffee is stronger and better. This is probably because the coffee made this way picks up some “dust” and a little bit of grit that would not pass the paper filter. More flavor…a bit chewy even.

Remember when I tol the aldis coffee shud be 31 grams

74 grams works a lot better

If Starbux doesn’t burn it and sell it for 8 bucks, is it worth drinking, peeps?

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More coffee makes coffee stronger, if
you’re using an automatic drip machine.

If you use 2 filters you run the risk of
the coffee overflowing before it can
drain out of the basket.

A pinch of salt tames the bitter of coffee,
a bit.

Or use a percolator. The longer it boils
the stronger it gets.

…and nastier.

I tried two coffee filters one time when I had a drip machine, I remember it just made the coffee taste like bleached paper.