Dog ain't right

Who wudda thot you an Billdo would have yappy dogs

You’re pretty sharp, eh?

You seem overly familiar, for a n00b.

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Sharp, eh. Shar Pei…geddit???


It kind of baffles me how you don’t see that your knight in shining armor is starting shit with everyone here, and everyone is arguing with him. And you, Princess Starling, were giving Countess plenty of shit. So, I guess there is this TOS that applies only to me. Yeah, fuck that BS.

Like I said, he’s got a very tired troll. Dawg and Reggie did exactly the same Bill O’Reilly School of Stupid for years. It’s not interesting or entertaining. If he can stop being a wiseass and just act like a person, I’ll converse with him. Otherwise, he can fuck off.

And you’re not over it. You bring it up quite regularly. Get the fuck over it. Grow a pair.


I mean this with all the sincerity I can muster…

It’s you not me.


Is there ANY rationality to your vituperations? Knight in shining armour (note the correct spelling)? Troll? Bill O’Reilly?

Where do you GET this shit from?

Can’t beat it, can’t match it. Must be a “troll”.

You’re not that bright, really.

Does he know the routine for going to the vet? Maybe he didn’t want you to take him in.

Not really he usually only goes once a year for vaccinations. We’re now thinking it might be a tooth, or he might have gotten stung in the mouth by a wasp or bumblebee which he likes to chase. He’s doing better but he’s still not his old healthy self yet.

Our pooch behaved in a very similar way. We finally took him to the vet, who observed a number of bad teeth. After surgery he was fine.

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