Donnie Tinyhands refuses to shake hands with the Chancellor of Germany

He looks like a pouty baby.


He feels intimidated by her. He can’t fucking stand it.

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Well, he’ll show her! He’ll fuck up Murica WAAAAAAYYYYYY more than she fucked up Germany.

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Germany seems to be doing just fine. Despite all the Murrican Right Wing wailing and gnashing of tooth.

In other words, you do not give a shit about working Americans. You just want your tiny handed Daddy to make you feel safe from the boogeyman. Gotcha.



That’s Nice.

You don’t give half a fuck about American workers. Too bad you’re too myopic to realize that allowing all Americans to share the pie is what made America great. It will never be great again as long as the Trumps of the world steal from the workers to give to the rich.

Wasn’t that Trump’s key campaign promise? Isn’t that why so many working Americans voted for him?

Why bring the Dems into this? I voted for Stein.

That’s utter bullshit. A rise in markets does not equal a rise in decent-paying jobs. Get a goddamn brain, Jeff.

The Market went up YUUUUGELY over 10,000 pts under Obama, you remained silent, Trump somehow gets in, and the market runs up a tad bit more as soon as Trump is in and you hail him as the the Messiah, Seriously? GTFO.

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Thread to JeffHansen

So greedy corporations making products outside the US for peanuts is Obama’s fault?



No, Hitler fucked up Germany. Merkel is Chancellor.

It’s a noob mistake.

Lol! That is so good!

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Would you care to enumerate these problems that Merkel has caused?

Jesus H. Christ. You need therapy.

I think he might mean the refugee/immigration issue.

Oh yeah, all those hundreds of thousands of Mothers and Fathers getting raped to death by ISIS everyday.