Earthquake Art

“When a magnitude 6.8 earthquake shook Olympia, Wash., in 2001, shop owner Jason Ward discovered that a sand-tracing pendulum had recorded the vibrations in the image below.”


Six calls bullshit

That’s awesome.

It’s awesome bullshit

never happened


Just look at it - it’s bullshit

prove it’s true

you can’t

never happened

Why the fuck did it just not make a pic of Jebus Or Mary - may as well go whole hog if yer gona make up bullshit

I spilled some paint the other and look what happened

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The Earthquake Rose: When a magnitude 6.8 earthquake shook Olympia, Wash., in 2001, shopowner Jason Ward discovered that a sand-tracing pendulum had recorded the vibrations in the image above...

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Cause it was on ABC means it’s true? Are you serious?

A Brian Williams story maybe

get the fuck back in yer tent

spreading bullshit again

So Duke I take it you’ve never seen a pendulum work?

I was “involved” in that quake I was in Portland it was one of those rumblers that lasted for what seemed like several minutes, but I think it was only 20 seconds or so, the floor length plate glass windows in our store were waving, large potted Ficuses were rocking back and forth, I and a few others at work started to have motion sickness symptoms

Ali our Used Car Manager was at an Auto Auction in Seattle much closer to the epicenter he looked up as it was happening and the massive array of cars (think huuge huuuge Shopping mall) He said the auction yard looked like the Ocean for a couple seconds all the cars and ground seemed to move like waves.

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thread to Duke

I think it’s legit but Duke is cracking me up.

Well, derrrr


Yeah, in 71 years I never saw a pendulum work

here’s yer sign

So Duke you take a pendulum that has it’s bob(the little weighty dealy at the bottom) just touching, lets say sand for example, then you take the earth that is holding this pendulum and you shake it back and forth and up and down, it will probably leave irregular tracings in that sand as it attempts to do pendulum shit, yes?

I know how it works - I am saying that sand thingy is fake- your buddy is watching the fucking cars wave like the ocean and this thing makes a symmetrical picture that ain’t off a fucking micron

It’s murica - believe what you want - happy believing