Epidemic of Marijuana overuse in legalized states

No. He says he feels fine. His head is black and blue though.

I’ve had a very racy Sativa strain that would give me a bit of anxiety and even make me feel like I was having a heart attack. I know someone else that was smoking it that actually went to the ER because they thought they were having a heart attack.

I knew a kid in high school that used to throw up if he’d smoke it, but nothing too crazy. He’d still try it once in awhile.


My cousin did a marijuana in church and now he masturbates 24/7.

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That must be exhausting.

Did Jesus tell him to do that, I wonder?

I think it was the priest…

The priest would want to participate, methinks.

Priests are very handy like that.

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The stuff last night was Pink Kush. No idea what it is in terms of Sat or Ind.

I’m sorry to say but I am cutting my husband off from hitting the weed. Last night scared me so badly that I don’t ever want to see a repeat of that shit.

does he drink?

Not really, no. Maybe 2 or 3 times a year.

Are they spraying the weed with the fake weed bullshit to make their shit “stronger?” What you describe sounds more like a bad K2 type trip.

I got it from a new local dispensary and the folks from my area are all organic and shit. We’ve been smoking that stuff all week without issue. He just took a bit more than usual.

So again on February 10 amirite?

Holy shit Starling that is some scary stuff

Some of my weed gives me nose allergies similar to pollen and others but I never had those you described there

Passing out from it, sheesh

I’d be staying away from it if I were him too

and on 6/30? Will she then huh? O wait no. That would be enbiggening the fraction. lol

IT is scary. I imagine someone can suddenly develop an allergy, just like with anything else.

I went to school with a girl who developed an allergic reaction to a boy in class. Too bad. They would have made a nice couple.

Technically he passed out from committing too hard but we think the weed made him do that.

I’m seriously a bit traumatized by it. I can’t stop crying.

Maybe I should smoke some weed to calm down…

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