Fourth of July Victory Garden

Overgrow the corporate government

Peppers I overwintered, then separated into their own pots this spring… looks like this is the way to get some early peppers, my other peppers are just getting started.

60 pepper plants I think I counted in a 4x8 bed… a mix of Italian sweet peppers, what are supposed to be big bell peppers and large jalapenos.

Beans and Cucumbers in a 2x8 bed

Beans & some Potatoes

Massive mass of Zucchini that just sprang up on its own…

Pumpkin, Cantaloupe and Watermelon growing on top of this mound, weeds around them. I’ve never grown any of this stuff before.

Tomatoes, getting some green ones coming on…

Rainbow Swiss Chard, grows awesome down the side of the house here…


I didn’t buy any plants this year either until yesterday, I bought a couple pepper plants that were marked down to 72 cents each, not pictured. I’ve got probably 40 more pepper plants not pictured getting started too, some various tomatoes, more zucchini, some pole beans getting started, some sunflowers, basil. etc.

All from seed?

All from seed, I don’t like buying plants unless they’re on sale about this time of year, like I could go get a few more discount pepper plants tomorrow and still get a crop out of them.

Kind of disappointed in this Burpee Rainbow Chard though, haven’t seen a single orange one yet, I’ve seen some red, yellow and white chard, maybe some that looks a little more purple but not one fucking orange one.

I just hit everything with some baking soda/dishwashing soap, and I hit the tomatoes and peppers with some baking soda/dishwashing soap, epsom salts.

I think that’s great. It’s really economical and you probably get a lot more diversity of plants in your garden.

Yeah it’s hard to find a lot of what I want at the stores anyways. Some of their tomato hybrids are probably a bit easier to grow with less problems but less tastier tomatoes.

I like saving seeds too as much as possible but pretty hard to do with tomatoes, you’d need a lot of space to keep them from cross pollinating.

I agree. I don’t know what the hell my tomatoes are at the end of the day. LOL

They taste great though. The crap that is sold in grocery stores is inedible.

Wal Mart sells seed packets for 20 cents a packet.

I am not as far along as you people but I am getting there. I had too much on my plate this and last year.

I am putting many of my plants in Lowe’s 5 gallon buckets. They cost $2.75 per bucket and they should last for years. I hate drilling holes in the bottoms of these nice, new buckets but…

I think I will get some orange Dilbert Home Depot buckets for the corn and sunflowers.

I am putting up holders for coconut fiber pots to be put on my porch, twelve of them. I now have 2 growing a bunch of cherry tomatoes.

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