Gunman shoots congressman - hopefully he dies - he's a douche

Lee never made them shots - fact

Impossible at his level - not in a million years and a million trys

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Gabby Giffordsā€¦

Yahoo republicans are calling for a civil war, as soon as they get done watching the next season of duck dynasty.


Evidently that guy was a pro assassin.

Iā€™ve been seeing Republicans absolutely shitting themselves over this one. I actually wonder if they are getting their jollies off the fact that a Bernie loving lefty did it. Youā€™d think the guy was Muslim ffs.

The Repugs on the Hill are shitting themselves all right. I really donā€™t think they understood that EVERYFUKKINBODY has guns, not just the Duck Dynasty red staters.

I LMAO at Paul Ryan today talking about his ā€œcolleagues.ā€ Thereā€™s a word he hasnā€™t used in a while.


Clearly heā€™s a lone wolf bad apple one-off crazy person, who canā€™t be used to smear the whole. I mean, how many Bernie-ites do you see doing this vs Trump-alt-righters or brownskin radicals?

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Iā€™m not quite taking that view, Wabbit. I think heā€™s the tip of a good sized iceberg.

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I honestly donā€™t know, but speaking from experience growing up with a parent who was a public figure, death threats and attempts are not nearly as uncommon as people seem to think they are.

Hey @Bigdukesixā€¦latest from the hospital has Scalise in ā€œcriticalā€ condition.

From a hip wound?

Guess they plan to milk this for a while.


I heard both of those too. Things that make you go hmm.

Are we sure that guy wasnā€™t a crisis actor hired to save the drowning RepubliCON party?


No, Scalise really is a swamp rat from Louisiana.

If you mean the dude from Belleville, he appears to have been for real. His congressman says heā€™s never met him F2F but has had maybe ten calls from him over the past year, an angry but not threatening voter.

Not sure I believe the congressman since he hasnā€™t been answering his phone for the last few months. But the cops in Belleville say heā€™s got a DV record and has been active in demonstrations and stuff for a couple of years. More will be revealed, I guess.

Actually, I was riffing on the CON nutjobs who talk about crisis actors all the time.

This is one of the more popular crises thespians.

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I hope he has trump care and are not bullet wounds preexisting conditions - I would think so


Shooter must have hit an artery or part of the colon, or some shitte.

Redundancy alert


The guy was obviously a terrible shot, but Jesus, how the hell was he able to get off so many rounds and fire for so long considering there were 2 cops already on the scene and he was shielded by nothing but a chain link fence?

Probably the cops had only pistols and he was too far away.