Here you go, Libs. Have a Safe Space

You can’t redefine Liberal any more than you can redefine water or air. It is a specific thing. You can’t say that corporate whoring Clinton style is Libralism, neo or otherwise. We have a separate name for shit like that - Libertarianism, you know, them open borders, deregulation folks who brought you mass immigration and the crash of 2008.

Do you find a lot of notes around the house that you wrote but you don’t know what they mean?

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I can’t? Fuck too! Didn’t liberals just get done redefining Marriage over the last few years? Liberals (as defined in todays America) redefine words all the time to suit their whims and needs of the moment.

[quote=“Reggie_Essent, post:12, topic:19203, full:true”]

I can’t?

PS: Raggs - do you believe the purpose of marriage is a alliance the aim of which is procreation?

You didn’t answer the question. Did liberals or did liberal not force a redefinition of Marriage through judicial fiat. Yes or No?

As for what I think marriage is or is not, that is irrelevant to this discussion. The point being that Marriage is a culture institution that predates all governments, all ideologies, all religions and spans all societies from the neolithic indigenes of Papua New Guinea to the fjords of Norway - yet never before since the dawn of time did any culture, civilization or tribes definition of marriage includes the barren and sterile relationships between couples of the same sex.

This so very basic REDEFINITION is the result of liberals force-fisting such a redefinition upon all of society, is it not?

So you’re wrong, Holliday. If liberals (as defined in America today) can redefine something as rock solidly understood for millennia as Marriage, then so too the definition of liberal can and has been redefined. So you’d better find a different label for yourself, man.

She is a member of the Fusion Party. That is Corporate Capitalism, Dem or Repuk.

Reggie, I think you’re taking this whole Milo thing a little too hard.

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What are you deflecting from now, bro?

Raggie, you’re just flailing away impotently as usual.




LEGAL definitions change all the time. Hell, definitions of words do as well. That doesn’t make them dennotative catch-alls for whatever garbage you want to throw at a word that day.

Evidently you think that a barren and sterile relationship between male and female octogenarians isn’t a legitimate marriage, which is what I thought. Marriage is only a cultural norm for the purpose of establishing a procreative unit. Well, you see, it isn’t in this day, Raggs. There are governments and legal systems, the fundamental purpose of them is to protect the rights of individuals as outlined in that great document which defines American Liberalism - we callz it the US Constitution. Marriage is not only recognized by the eyes of god whatever form that takes in the popular view, but by governments. You seem to think that in order to be Liberal in fact and immutably that the founders would have had to find a thing acceptable in their day. According to you, 'lectric lights are anti-liberal because the founders didn’t use them. Well isn’t that just typical of your nonsense troll. Equality is a liberal principle. Freedom, freedom to choose is also. Everything is about the empowerment of the individual, but w/o relieving an individual of responsibility to community and the members of the community. Now tell me Raggs - if equality is a fundamental principle of Liberalism how can a thing which supports that concept redefine what has always been a natural right. The fact that marriage was not recognized by the early US, should be as surprising to you as that women and Blacks didn’t have voting rights. So I presume you think that Blacks and women voting, owning property, not being considered property themselves was modern Liberals redefining property rights and voting rights etc. and somehow a redefinition of Liberalism. But no, Raggs. That would be to assume that a thing such as the United States of America, an experiment in Liberalism, was born fully formed and must remain always in a perpetual static state. Well it fucking wasn’t - because like most everything else it does undergo an evolution, but…
The fundamental principles, which gave it birth, is like our own individual DNA - it is always there and it always informs the life of the nation and society. So, what defines Liberalism, American Liberalism, never changes. It’s expression, much as does our own, does.
Anyway, Raggs - Why do you hate America?


PS: Raggs, Nothing got forced on all of society. Are you one of them peeple who thinks that since abortion is legal that you have to have one?


Conservatism really is a mental disease…

Adorno, et al. (1950) viewed the authoritarian personality as having a strict superego that controls a weak ego unable to cope with strong id impulses. The resulting intrapsychic conflicts cause personal insecurities, resulting in that person’s superego to adhere to externally imposed conventional norms (conventionalism), and to the authorities who impose these norms (authoritarian submission). The ego-defense mechanism of projection occurs as indicated when that person avoids self-reference of the anxiety-producing id impulse, by displaying them onto “inferior” minority groups in the given culture (projectivity), with associated beliefs that are highly evaluative (power and toughness), and rigid (stereotypy). Additionally, there is a cynical view of humanity and a need for power and toughness resulting from the anxieties produced by perceived lapses in society’s conventional norms (destructiveness and cynicism). Other characteristics of this personality type are a general tendency to focus upon those who violate conventional values and act harshly towards them (authoritarian aggression), a general opposition to subjective or imaginative tendencies (anti-intraception), a tendency to believe in mystic determination (superstition), and finally, an exaggerated concern with promiscuity.

In regards to child development, the formation of the authoritarian type occurs within the first few years of the person’s life, strongly shaped by the parents and family structure. “Hierarchical, authoritarian, exploitative” parent-child relationships may result in this personality type (Adorno et al., 1950, pp. 482–484). Parents who have a need for domination, and who dominate and threaten the child harshly, and demand obedience to conventional behaviors with threats, foster the characteristics of this personality. In addition, the parents have a preoccupation with social status, and communicate this to the child in terms of rigid and externalized rules. The child then suffers from suppressed feelings of resentment and aggression towards the parents, who are instead, idealized with reverence.

Alfred Adler provided another perspective, linking the “will to power over others” as a central neurotic trait, usually emerging as aggressive over-compensation for felt and dreaded feelings of inferiority and insignificance. According to this view, the authoritarian’s need to maintain control and prove superiority over others is rooted in a worldview populated by enemies and empty of equality, empathy, and mutual benefit.

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Please learn to compose poasts that are pleasing to the eye. Your text wall is cumbersome and makes reading a chore.

Have some consideration for your reader, dolt!

That being said, I guess the pervert marriage issue is really a trigger for you, eh Holliday?

Your tangential poast makes absolutely zero headway in confirming your tepid point that the modern definition of “liberal” is identical with that definition as understood at the Founding. Most Americans today understand that a “liberal” is a verminous left wing low information moron waiting for daddy government to take care of it. Period.

I am right, you are wrong.

There, see how easy my poast was to read? Feel free to copy my formatting.

Adorno! Bwa Hahahahahahahahaha! Oh gods! I’m not even gonna start with you on that, Billdo.

Of course you aren’t. Cuz ya gots nothin.

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Safe place for Libs:

I heard this one on the way home. I like it. I like Tradition Irish music.

There was no studio version on the youtubes so this was about the cleanest sound I found. The band is Atlan.

I’ll try to include some pictures next time.

PS: You didn’t answer my question.
. . Why do you hate America?


I can’t stand all white. That would make me craaaaazy. I need color.

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^^^ still redefining his terms
