Hot chicks refusal to date Trumptards, is why Trump won

Your Refusal To Date Conservatives Is One Reason We Have Donald Trump

OkCupid will let users indicate their support for abortion. This type of assortive mating is one factor that allowed for the rise of a candidate like Donald Trump.

My best friend from Oregon married a Trumptard :frowning:

Trumpfucks know libchicks are hotter and are angry because they won’t date them? Snowflakes.

There are usually exceptions to every rule.

In the interest of verifying that your post was on topic, a picture is necessary to determine hotness.

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Wasn’t expecting the PM, but Starling has satisfied me that both she and her bestie qualify.

Carry on…


I’d never date a Trumptard.

To be fair, her husband started off as a Ted Cruz fan but hated Hillary so he voted Trump.

Ugh, Ted is creepier, did you know he used to be the Zodiac Killer? Google it.

I wanna see!

Hey ladies here’s one of those hot cop trump supporters waiting to sweep you off your feet… now single…

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I’ll pass.

Did he fix her yet?

Up to Starling.

I would never, ever, ever marry or even date someone who is Trumptarded.

It’s been hard enough having a bestie who voted for him.

EWWW! and stuff

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