How to serve Surströmming, to your guests

Surströmming, a Swedish speciality. Fermented herring.


No thanks. Years ago on a business trip to Chicago I had pickled herring as an appetizer. I chewed for a few seconds and puked my guts out. I haven’t touched any raw fish or shellfish since.

I enjoy Pickled Herring on occasion, but fermented Herring sounds like a bridge too far.

I friggin love sushi.

Wasn’t lutefisk awful enough?

Nuke 'em.

I like my food cooked, well done… in Korea we were up in a rural area headed somewhere and these old korean folks that ran the little gas station convenience store brought out some raw looking fish stuff that looked like a block of Velveeta cheese except it was grey and slimy looking… They were putting it on crackers and dipping it in some sort of red sauce, probably really hot, I had to decline… I don’t care if you get offended.

Well, I love sushi, but I wouldn’t buy it at a gas station convenience store.

It was like some family joint up in the mountains, it wasn’t like a 7/11 or something.

Come to think of it, the bigger gas stations like you’d see on the interstate here, most of them had a big cafeteria in them and a hundred people standing around eating “fish ball soup.”

I just threw up in my mouth a little…