I have learned something while I'm living on the streets

I have learned from a bag lady while we where pushing our carts collecting cans and other stuff.

She told me about idiots in our everyday lifes, If I talk to them like they have a mind of a 12 year old they can understand what your saying.

I tried that on a store clerk and the clerk told to “Do you want your breakfast burger or a shotgun blast to the head” I took the breakfast burger and I explained to him I was a mental patent and he laughed and thanked me for the idea, He was talking idiots like 12 year old’s and the cops gotten the idea fast.

I was talking with the bag lady about the whole thing and a psychiatric nurse came in and told us we made a brake through. We where dealing with 50 year olds with a mental capacity of a 12 year old.

As your thinking to yourself “What has the world came to?” You should try it on idiots in your part of the world and see if it works or you maybe talking to stupider idiot.

I was told there would be no math.

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Do you have free access to the innernets on your ward, RP?