Iranians protesting their shitty leaders

Hmm, not that different, just the “degree of difficulty”

Both are inhumane, sure. That officer, I believe, was heavily reprimanded.

I’m not saying the US is totally innocent, but to ignore/support Iran when their people support the US more than their own government… is alarming.

Then why do you squeal like a greased pig when the details of that non-innocence are discussed?

does 4 million dead mean anything - 4 million dead due to the USA

Even with having a Political System in place that assumes a Nation Wide strict adherence to Islamic Law…Iran still manages to have people that go along to get along, nahmean?

Are you backing up Iran, too?

Oink oink, Boro

6128 miles

NYC to Tehran

Nothing more to know

Thinking like the terrorist trash you are, huh


Wanna know what’s astounding about the thousands of years old line of witless idiot fools


Imagine supporting terrorism

Wait you don’t have to imagine

You already do

Did you fetch yer ticket yet

to go fight with the downtrodden

you don’t have to wait - you can go now

Or jus be KBW on the net

That’s not how things work, if you weren’t inept you’d know that. Also I have no idea who KBW is.



Interesting acronym from a POG.