Is it time to be putting Canadians into camps?

Diane Downs is a personal favorite child killer of mine, since she is an Oregonian.(Not all Oregoians throw their sleeping babies off very high bridges, btw.

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I was gonna invite Oak to a summit

But I think she might push me from there

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I think we need to get Lotus here

I mean, if those two nuts in Singapore did it, these could do it too.

Oak and Lotus should be best friends ever.

Use Lemon to make a trio and it’s apocalypse material right there.

I don’t understand you.

Maybe Wabbit and Apey are willing to translate.

ya know, a summit, but from a mountain

to my death

come on, oakie

I’m being nice to ya

drop those cobble stones

A summit is also a high place from which you could push an annoying person off.

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I don’t have enough interest in him to want to harm him.

What kind of crazy culture do you have there in Oregon?

You know that, but he doesn’t.

Now he does.

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So, you agree to a summit?

Sure, why the hell not?

Well to be fair, she was from Phoenix AZ. So…

I meant what was wrong with the rest of you that you didn’t throw all your babies from bridges…nevermind, I failed.


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