Just Placed My 1-Click Order

Awesome service. :smiley:


Quite clear.

Every time you use one-click, an angel plummets to the ground.


And a pair of Danner Boots gets chucked off a cliff.

1 Like

The kids are making his new boots right now…


Lotus dear,

Are the super predators of the Savannah evil?

of course not

So, why shud it be different with humans??

Um, because we like to consider ourselves intellectually superior, and because we supposedly have this thing called a conscience. Although many people are clearly missing that chip.

Or are you saying Bezos has to kill angels in order to survive?


Intellectually superior to Trumptards and squirrels*

plummets from where, exactly?

I though you were an atheist.

There was a meme and some thread chatter about an angel dying everytime one masterbates, recently.

That’s just shitpoasting unless one actually respects the idea of angels.

This is true.

I never said I was an atheist. NE.VER. I’m not a Christian.

Well, then, I suppose you’re also not a Muslim nor a Jew nor a lot of other things. (Note, a supposition…)

Is there an affirmative declaration you can make about your belief system that includes angels as a part of it?

Anaheim baseball fan?


Probably not one that would please you.

Have at it - tell us

We are the children of ancient teenaged alien communists, from outer space.or TACOS for short.

I’m not here to be pleased; but I do bring my curiosity with me.