LIBs bitch as TRUMP fixes everything

Who needs facts when you have Reggie’s conviction of belief?

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So Snopes is a "reliable source, but the actual security measures on the Mexico-Guatemala border suddenly don’t exist because Snopes says so and American traitors - er, I mean leftist scum - want to believe it’s raaaaaaacist and wrong to secure our own borders.


“Dan Evon is a Chicago-based writer and longtime truth enthusiast.” i.e. Alinskyite vermin traitor to America and multiple vote fraud perpetrator known to have voted for Rahm Emmanuel 27 times in the last mayoral election.

OMG Facts VS. Internet memes!

Reggie’s self-pwn seems to have him a bit unsettled.

Methinks he should stick to making up his own “facts”

Sure, I totally believe your leftist propaganda sites.

Say, would you guys be opposed to the US having and enforcing the same immigration laws that Mexico has and actually enforces?

Libs? Progs? Any takers?

I don’t think the wall is racist. I think no one has shown that it isn’t a huge waste of time and money.

How many of those actively engaged in attacks that killed thousands in American soil due to their crazy beliefs?


As a supposed “liberal” I don’t oppose enforcing immigration policies. I think you guys should do just that.

If it was up to me, I’d give illegals 30 days to come forward and apply for citizenship. Each case would be reviewed and considered. Anyone who has not applied after those 30 days is deported regardless of circumstance. Anyone coming into the US illegal after that 30 day date get deported.

Deal with what you have in a fair and humane way then hammer the rules hard.

oops, looks Like I owe you an apology, I found this meme on a site I trust, I guess i was wrong

No, I’ll just have a patty on my back instead :sunny:

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He looks like one of those Nascar engineers

I totally agree with that position.

Yes. The guy on the left is clearly a homosexual.

So why are you bitching about lefties? Why not just ask them their opinion?

Actual picture of the Mexico/Guatemala border:

Actual picture of a Mexico/Guatemala border crossing:

Those Mexicans are top notch landscapers aren’t they? they did a super job of camouflaging those giant walls and towers an stuff.

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