
Shud get back in her tent

I didn’t watch any of it
I never do

I don’t either

in the news

she sed the other one sed that a girl cud not win 2020 - and she is pissed cause she is a girl

they jus talk bullshit - talk bout what yer gona do and how

This is why we’re going to lose.

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It’s all fixed anyway

I predict the Dem nominee will be… (drum roll)… Hillary

Oh god, help us all!


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Bloomberg cud win

Yeah, that’s true. I heard he’s willing to spend up to a $1 billion on the news last night

I’ll bet dinner on that: anywhere in sf or Chicago you like.

Functioning Adult 2020, Please.

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Unfortunately, I think you maybe right Oak

I was deepsurfing and discovered that tL owes me dinner

Gasp, duh dun duhh…!

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I bet ON your prediction that Hillary would be the nominee.

Still, if you want dinner, it’s on me.

Once tRumps failure is over, that is. Sometime in ‘21?