McConnell refusing to seat Doug Jones

until after the vote on the tax bill. These fuckers have no decency. The empty Supreme Court seat under Obama comes to mind.

What does the AL charter say about this election? It seems it would not be McConnell’s call as to when the seat changes asses.

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I believe the Alabama Governor can sign papers and he’s in the way it was described last night. It has to be certified by Sec of State which it was now its onto the Gov

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I think Witchy is correct, although the AL governor may be an unnecessary step. The Sec of State has until the end of the month to certify the election, and if he’s done that it’s only a matter of transmission.

IOW, it’s not up to McConnell who only holds one elected federal office which is legislative, not executive. If he means to say he’s gonna have his pals in AL hold up the paper work, then he’s guilty of some impeachable hubris for saying it out loud OTOH if he means to say he plans to use his position as majority leader to stop things up, then he needs to be impeached AFTER someone puts a .308 between his eyes from down the street.

I’m pretty tired of his bullshit, and I’m not alone.

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To give McConnell some slack, he CAN’T seat Jones until the Alabama (Republican) ScState certifies the results.

I’m sure he’l get right on that.

This is a guy who publicly stated that Moore can request a statewide recount, if he’s willing to pay for it. Which happens to be false to fact: the ‘recount request’ provision of Alabama law only applies to state and local offices, it does NOT apply to national offices.

So you’ve got one of the state’s highest officers being ignorant of the law and not bothering to read it before he goes on national TV.

That’s Alabama Republicans for you.