Meet Irans newly found friends - Iraq calls for foreign forces to leave after U.S. killing of Iran commander

The crowds marching in the streets of Tehran are almost as big as the crowds at Trump’s inauguration.

Terrorist thumpers.

The lot of ya.

Why are you undermining the Junta that we installed in Iraq?

Why are you sucking Iranian cock

Why do you refuse to acknowledge we fucked Iran up - it would have been a sleepy capitalist country if we minded our own business

your the fucking terrorist in spades compared to them

I hope they develop a fucking nuc tonight then yer asshole god can get back in his tent

millions dead cause you enable the war makers

yer just as guilty as them - millions dead for nothing

BD6 not only is a racist, gay-hater… he’s also a terrorist nut licker

Is it possible for someone like you to transfer into whatever military units are massing for the invasion, I mean if you weren’t afraid to do so?

There’s a process, hut it’s incredibly difficult, long, and ends up being “favors”.
I volunteered for a helo unit that was deploying to Afg, as a condition of my reenlistment.

I found out the hard way that doing “personal favors” for a dickless Officer can end of working against you.

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