My friend called me a Mexican today

Because it’s leg day!
PS my friend is a Mexican :slight_smile:

What exactly is going on here? At first glance it seems like you’re very constipated and are trying to loosen yourself up for the big push.

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Thank the gods you posted that pic. Otherwise I might have imagined this wrong.

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Squat, jump onto it and jump off. Does wonders for your core and legs.

AND it’s blues night.



Your other brother Waldo?

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You look like you got yourself in physical shape kid, now time to work on the brain.


It’s okay to think differently sir, so long as you accept the truth.

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Bromo don’t need no education.

My ignorance is as valid as your education!

– Con mantra


Eh I spent a year in college :slight_smile:

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Box jumps are a bitch! Ever do it with a weighted vest? That’s always fun!

Yeah, couple times I’ve worn my body armor… not a typical thing I carry to the gym though :joy:

Our gym has weighted vests you can put on when doing leg exercises.

It’s leg day for the a month or so since I got some real nice tendonitis in my shoulder/upper arm… fuck me right?

You got nothing on this guy:

I hope you didn’t get pissed and stomp on his bag of Frito’s.