New Rules

Well, that would have worked before there were so many billionaires and all of them were in control of everything

You do know they’d rather kill everyone they don’t need before giving up their money, right?

Like I said, the cat is out of the box.

There’s no changing the status quo.

Unless we have some sort of major divine intervention, we’re fucked and underpaid and that’s for the long haul.

And like LittleRambo said, since the world is getting dirtier, smaller and more dangerous each day, people will do nothing but hang on their money while the rest can die for all they care.

We could see some real change if people abandoned their neanderthal ideas and dropped their heavy breeding, but that’s not happening.

They’re not really liberals, they just claim to be

They’re just trying to take less heat for being rich and trying to pay their way out of guilt

They’re not cons either. They’re basically selfish greedy people who don’t give a shit about anything but themselves.

[quote=“RooseBolton, post:53, topic:18163, full:true”]
You can only change yourself though…anything else is just frustrating.
[/quote]Of course, to do so, one must commit to that change.

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By forcing their life-sucking employers to pay them better, and provide benefits?

I agree.




I don’t get it?

Yeah, but the ones on the very top of it all are interested in the big blue ball


So, that means everyone lse does, too?

This is typical CON behavior. Lack of empathy to a pathological degree.

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Life wasn’t meant to be fair, survival of the fittest and all that jazz

So why do so many yuuge Companies get Government Subsidies? Like Big Oil, Big Box Stores etc?

Corporate companies shouldn’t get gov’t subsidies.

We have evolved well beyond that. It’s time for the lizard minds populating the 1% catch up.

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Hey, I just bought you and I can personally guarantee you a job until you drop dead.!


WHo’s patty and why do you pretend to be a shine?

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Wait, I’m confused, I thought I was pretending to be Billdo? Holy fuck, now I don’t know any more.

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And PS, why are you pretending to be the letter R?

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