Portland Protests

omg this video is hilarious



We fuckin outnumber them with leaf blowers AND peopleā€¦:rofl::laughing:

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I just watched a live of PPB cops talking about the protests and one said ā€œthey started throwing burning materials through holes in the exterior of the building and blowing pot smoke inside the building, it was like a horror movie.ā€

OMG, I hope none of them odā€™d!

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They got the snack van but someone got their LRAD vehicle right afterwards :joy:


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Wall of Shields

Andrew Tolman
I was CCā€™d and brought into an email chain that included Mayor Wheeler and our City Commissioners regarding ADA violations by Portland Police. The response was dismissive at best. I responded, and want to share here for transparency. For context, Commissioner Fritz said, quote, ā€œ I donā€™t know of any ASL interpreters within the PPB, nor any who would be willing to be hired to provide the service in a volatile situation where demonstrators were attacking both police and SE residents.ā€ Below, you can find my response to the thread. If anyone in the Black community or the Deaf community feel I have overstepped, please publically call me in and I am more than willing to learn how to better use my words and platform.
ā€œI will be frank, because peoplesā€™ lives are on the line and White respectability politics are garbage and oppressive.

Commissioner Fritz is lying. She does know interpreters who are willing but the city refuses to hire them. I know because I personally have offered myself and have worked with Mayor Wheeler and all Commissioners. I know because I personally have been told I can no longer be hired to interpret for the city because of conflict with perceptions. They know damn well Iā€™m on the front lines all the time interpreting directions their officers. They know damn well thereā€™s multiple Deaf people they could ask. This is nothing short of laziness and oppression. You all clearly donā€™t give a fuck or these fixes wouldā€™ve already been done. Iā€™m sure youā€™ve all heard of the ADA before. Maybe read it once or twice?

Itā€™s also disgusting the Commissioner would speak of violence or actions that she has no knowledge of. Especially to justify her ableism and blatant lack of concern with Disability Justice. I havenā€™t seen her on the front lines. Ted came for a cute photo op but continues to demonize youth and Portland residents to protect his own power and votes. Come stand with us if youā€™re going to speak about us. Otherwise, frankly, yā€™all can shut your mouths.

I have been teargassed and beaten MULTIPLE TIMES while interpreting for Deaf people and while putting my body between officers and Blind people. I interpreted at Occupy ICE PDX when officers committed psychological and physical warfare against us. I was on the streets interpreting stories when Patrick Kimmons was murdered while we listed to his blood get power sprayed off the streets. I have been brutalized. Iā€™ve been attacked by Commissioners and their teams online. Ted loves to tell people Iā€™m his favorite and I have ā€œsuch strong armsā€. Chloe loves to talk about DA rights but continues to be heavily complicit outside of what immediately affects her. Iā€™ve had interactions with EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU. So to say you donā€™t know how to find resources to make it happen is BULLSHIT. BULLSHIT. BULLSHIT. BULLSHIT.

I loudly speak about it and will continue to do so. How about when your officer said to my face ā€œIf you care so much then you should interpret itā€ just minutes after tear gassing and brutalizing humans. Is that the attitude we should be trusting to take care of and consider people? How about your officers joking about giving us tear gas enemas? Maybe Ted could come get one of those next to try and earn a few more rich White votes? How about when Jo Ann told me she canā€™t get interpreters for events that she doesnā€™t throw, and then was involved in and threw multiple events, budget discussions, and other public forums with NO accessibility even after receiving official complaints? How about Ted Wheeler having a campaign manager whoā€™s mother is an ASL Interpreter? But yā€™all ā€œcanā€™t find anyoneā€? How about the hours and hours Deaf individuals like Philip Wolfe have spent testifying and emailing and meeting with you all? You CLEARLY donā€™t give a FUCK about Philip or the Deaf community. Because you have looked him in the face and promised to do better then turned around and shit right on him. You provide accessibility when it looks good for you but not to engage communities on what they need. You will appease a complaint once to save face, but have NEVER ONCE successfully and full-heartedly moved for true systemic change and Disability engagement. Itā€™s obvious in your history. And none of you can hide from it because Iā€™m literally the one that has seen it and dealt with it. You must have assumed an ASL Interpreter is just a tool for you to use. On the contrary, we are fierce warriors for Disability justice and we donā€™t fuck around. I went from you FAVORITE interpreter, to an agitator in just a matter of months. Ironically, during a global pandemic and international racial justice uprising. Hmmā€¦ I wonder if thatā€™s a coincidence? Could it be, perhaps, the fact that I was no longer the cute, close-lipped gay boy for you to tote around? Iā€™ll answer for you - yes. It is.

Any Commissioner or government official who wants to play ā€œthatā€™s not my jobā€ with peoplesā€™ lives should sit the fuck down and leave government (looking at you too, Jo Ann, since you love to forget Black people can be disabled too and hate that it takes a White person to remind you).

This isnā€™t a game.

Ableism is White Supremacy. And yā€™all are some GODDAMN WHITE SUPREMACISTS.

With no due respect,

Andrew Tolman
Fingers Crossed Interpretingā€

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Iā€™m wlling to bet that nothing comes of this guy who got caught bombing protesters last night.

Those mother fuckers are only supposed to be killing the brown people overseas.

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Looks like we gotta fight them here after allā€¦

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