Quit smoking tobacco

That’s good for you and your girlfriend.

There are billions on the planet, some of us like roses, gardenias, jasmines, etc. How about the rest of us?

Is the answer “go fuck yourselves”?

I don’t think that about pot smokers.

Personally myself, if I blaze outside it’s far away from everyone where nobody is going to smell it… I don’t even smoke it out on my patio, I only smoke it around other pot smokers.


I think it’s respectful in certain places. Here you can sit in your car and you’re smelling other people smoking weed in theirs. It’s everywhere that’s public now.

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Well there’s a lot worse smells, there’s a nearby town that smells like rotten dog food and that’s considered acceptable there because it makes money. But I can see if legalization ever goes through here half the town there complaining about the weed smell.

Aw, a reformed smoker - the worst

I guess now you believe you can smell a cig 200 feet away- don’t ya - LMAO

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I don’t smell them that bad, probably because I still smoke weed but if I go into their homes etc… yeah it’s bad…

I tell smokers that and they look at me like ET landed in front of them

you can tell a smoker 40 feet away just by the clothes smell

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@Oak At your smoking cessation classes if you still teach them you should take them out in the parking lot and start a trash fire and tell them that’s what they smell like to everyone that doesn’t smoke…

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I was totally deep wrapped up in the tobacco smoking thing too, smoking hardcore for decades, didn’t care if it killed me, maybe even wanted it to. It’s a slow form of suicide, so glad I was finally able to quit, I already knew all of the bad things about it and continued to smoke on and on… I’m so glad my girlfriend put up with me until I stopped, she quit smoking 2-3 years ago and never did smoke like I did.

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Actually, the smoking rates are so low, I don’t do smoking cessation anymore. We refer the few folks that still do to their health plans for classes now.


How would they smell the garbage fire - this is where your idea falls apart

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What are they saying the percentage of smokers is now days? and how does it compare to say Don Drapers day?


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