Raining like hell here

I sold some furniture on CL awhile back. The buyer was some lady who owns a place that restores and sells used dressers and such, and I verified her info to be sure, so it was all good.the only thing I don’t like about CL is the buyer ALWAYS tries to jew you down at the time of the buy. In this case I had al ready factored the jewing into the price.

So it was a Jew/Jew, good outcome!


There is the verb “jew” in Brazil (judiar). It means to torture, mentally and physically, to mistreat someone or something. LOL

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Jew you down lol… fuckin midwest crackers… :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, just like nIgger rigging something.

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oh man, jew you down, nigger rigging… that’s the midwest slang I grew up with…

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Sometimes I look back fondly, yet disapprovingly, when I remember old Mrs. Bolmeier, she’d catch one of us day dreaming and she holler out to us “Now Comeatmebro, don’t just sit there like a nigger on a woodpile, get to work on the vocabulary quiz I handed out!”

A lot of mean ugly people out here, it’s because they come from mean ugly cultures… Germany, the Dutch, Irish, etc… all motherfuckers even to each other… fuck white people I say.


I grew up in pretty low class white trash area consisting of mostly 2nd generation German immigrants. Totally fukking ignorant racists. My folks were kind of the exception. My mom didn’t permit racial slurs at home and my dad, who may have been a closet bigot, always backed my mom.

There used to be this crazy assed firework we commonly called a “nigger chaser” when I was young. The whole design and intent of the “nigger chaser” was that you would light it and it would whistle loudly, go flying off in a completely random direction and then explode. They were perfectly legal and quite popular even though I’m sure many were injured by it. Obviously, it wasn’t really labeled by the manufacturer as a “nigger chaser”, but that’s what people called it around there and if you asked for them at the fireworks stand they certainly knew what you meant. I still remember being at the fireworks stand with my folks once and asking the guy where the nigger chasers were… and then being slapped up side the head by my mom.

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You forgot Italians - Niggers inside outside my Father used to say - LMAO - and some here think that’s racist

This fucking Italian congressman - Lou Barletta - is helping trump on immigration - he cost the city HAZLETON PA - 2.3 million trying to get rid of illegals when he was mayor

A fucking Italian trying to get rid of illegals - ya can’t make that up


82, low humidity and sunny yesterday, same today.:smile: