Scripps: We've passed the climate change tipping point

This guy’s podcasts/vidoes are good, imo. Worth checking out.

I posted someone else’s version of this exposition a couple of weeks ago, but don’t recall the thread title.

I guess that’s the end of the discussion, then.

You’re the King of “I did this first but you can’t find it” :smile:

I just burned some cardboard in the woodstove

It was recycled cardboard so that makes it OK


What? Were you all out of kerosine soaked styrofoam?

Are you out of old tires, or what?

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There are tons of yourtube vids on make make used oil drip into yer wood stove

it’s good fer the outside cause it has a lot of trace chemicals from yer pistons and sich


Does it got any asbestoses in it to help fire proof our forests?

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There are tons of youtube vids of people accidentally shooting themselves, and of people drinking Roundup, and of people doing dangerous, stupid stunts, too.

do you have a point?

We should wad the asbestos up and have snow ball fights with it for shits and giggles!

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good Idea, ya wouldn’t need to worry about asbestos balls suddenly bursting into flame, like those frack balls do.

I think we should toast our merriment with some flaming tap water.

The trumpster sez asbestos is A-OK - that’s enuf fer me

My uncle died from it. That A-OK too?

I don’t really care. But if someone would find it for me, I’d gladly merge the two topics.

Oh, fer fux sake.


OK. That post just officially put me on Trump Stupidity Overload. I do not have room to store any more of his shit in my brain. All the empty space that’s in there is now reserved for more important stuff.

TSO, friends. TSO!