Senate overwhelmingly rejects Obama veto of Saudi September 11 bill

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only holdout harry reed

Good for Harry

This is a bad idea

Actually it’s a great idea


Is this the “Americans can sue foreign powers over terrorist acts” bill? No, it ain’t a good idea

(edit: thread title, duh)

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Ya happy now? Bitch

Yeah, like IN WHAT FUKKIN COURT OF ORIGINAL JURISDICTION are they gonna do this suing?

It’s a stupid ass bill that flies in the face of established international law, and these fukkers are just cruising for dumbass redneck voats.

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When the whole Senate agrees - when is the last time that happened - they can’t agree on what day it is

Yep. It’s an asinine, unenforceable bill that would set an extremely damaging precedent.

Hope they sue the fuck out of them, in fact they should just go ahead and start freezing Saudi assests in the USA immediately.

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Fuck yeah, Billdo - ya see all these pussy fucks here

I guess they like licking saudi ass

Let them mother fuckers sell some of their solid gold fucking cars

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They could start suing us for RFC war shit, yanno


Um, I had “edit” inside the parens to indicate that I had edited MY post to add the duh for myself for not remembering the thread title. Note the colon after the word edit


They’re all pandering.

The bill is dangerous, I think.

That being said, The US should have taken some kind of legal action against Saudi Arabia and their 9/11 bullshit if there is any international law that allows them to do so. Bushco let SA get away with murder.

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Maybe we should stop trying to take over the fucking planet – this is what all you fucking numnuts who think suing is bad idea should study up on.

They are gona off their airspace - tell me why I should give a fuck other then hoping fewer witless fools will die

Fucking Iran is surrounded by 33 US bases - they gotta lotta balls putting their country in sich a place

Not sure what you’re getting at, especially since suing is generally a civil matter rather than a military or criminal matter. This won’t have any goddamn teeth.

You started with “Maybe we should stop trying to take over the fucking planet” which is spot on and then you went completely in the weeds in the opposite direction. I get that we want justice, but if the US Congress is about that, opening up civil suits is not gonna do a fucking thing. This sort of justice should be meted out in international criminal venues.

This is a symbolic pussy move.

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It pissed off the fucking scumbag Saudis, so it was worth it - I hope I live to see fucking ISIS cut their fucking heads off
