Sharia Creep and other theocratic stuff

So you want to kick people out just for being Muslim?

Human beings, since there were human beings, have ALWAYS migrated. It seems to be a natural human activity/survival mechanism. And now, with so many people being displaced by wars and economic crises, its absurd to think you can stem the tide. You have to fix the problems if you don’t want people moving around so much.


How do you fix a problem when the problem involves a belief system that you cannot change.

What do you suggest?


Do you know what the term is for people who hold that belief? By belief I mean those who want to kick peaceful, law abiding citizens out of their countries?

See, this is your problem.

You’re applying old world thinking to a modern catastrophe.

Let’s consider the recent Manchester tragedy.

The offender was born in the UK. As was the scum that ran people down near the Houses of Parliament.

So where did they get the idea that slaughtering innocent British people was worthwhile.

From the local mosque. Where we know that radicalisation, justification, anti West blustering and rhetoric is rampant. The same mosques these “innocent” muslims attend and support. The same mosques young impressionable children are indoctrinated within.

From their schools, they feed their young with hatred, viz;

Now, you seem to want to deny that this is happening. That these “peaceful” teachers are not part of an ideology of hatred and intolerance. Yet see for your own eyes what these “law abiding” scumbags are doing to OUR children, OUR community, and OUR nation.

Now, you tell me…WHY should we enable this to happen in our country? Why should we not recognise the threat and remove it from our midst??

I don’t recall ever supporting terrorism in our countries.

Recognizing the threat doesn’t mean kicking millions of people out of your country who are just living their lives.

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But what do you do about the madrassas, often funded by Saudi fundamentalists, in your fair city, to which your innocent, peaceful neighbors send their children to be “educated?” You can’t close them down because that would be discriminatory, right?

Your liberal culture is being infiltrated and poisoned from the inside, thanks to the freedoms you enjoy and confer on your immigrants. It’s a sticky wicket.

If you can prescribe a limit to such establishments as is demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society then you can be “discriminatory”.

Then what is your solution.

Focus on curbing extremism and responses to terrorist intelligence.
Tougher penalties for extremist speech including deportation.
Review factors causing marginalisation and work towards fixes.
Better integration for immigrants into our cultures.
Promote bridging gaps in knowledge of other cultures and religions.

To start.

And how has that worked for the UK, Belgium, France, and Australia??

How has allowing western meddling worked for Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Somalia, and Yemen?

They are unmitigated disasters, principally led by American arrogance. George Bush is a war criminal, plain and simple.

Ironic, isn’t it. You and your adhesives moan and moan about the “unfair” election of Trump, whilst fostering a foreign policy based on transplanting this “unfair” American democracy all over the world.

How do I foster this policy? By voting Green?

If you vote Green, you’re even dumber than I estimated.

A typical American response; it wasn’t me, it was my Government.

Because all Americans believe the same one thing.

You aren’t doing it.

Lou Stool Swallower thinks I’m dumb. :crying_cat_face:

I’ve been here for what…2, 3 weeks.

That’s the first correct thing I’ve seen you contribute. Congrats.
