Sharia Creep and other theocratic stuff

If you can prescribe a limit to such establishments as is demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society then you can be “discriminatory”.

Then what is your solution.

Focus on curbing extremism and responses to terrorist intelligence.
Tougher penalties for extremist speech including deportation.
Review factors causing marginalisation and work towards fixes.
Better integration for immigrants into our cultures.
Promote bridging gaps in knowledge of other cultures and religions.

To start.

And how has that worked for the UK, Belgium, France, and Australia??

How has allowing western meddling worked for Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Somalia, and Yemen?

They are unmitigated disasters, principally led by American arrogance. George Bush is a war criminal, plain and simple.

Ironic, isn’t it. You and your adhesives moan and moan about the “unfair” election of Trump, whilst fostering a foreign policy based on transplanting this “unfair” American democracy all over the world.

How do I foster this policy? By voting Green?

If you vote Green, you’re even dumber than I estimated.

A typical American response; it wasn’t me, it was my Government.

Because all Americans believe the same one thing.

You aren’t doing it.

Lou Stool Swallower thinks I’m dumb. :crying_cat_face:

I’ve been here for what…2, 3 weeks.

That’s the first correct thing I’ve seen you contribute. Congrats.
