Six oughta follow Donny on Twitter


  1. Boeing CEO criticizes Trump over some lie
  2. Trump wants to cancel AF1 contract and cites a $4B cost overrun at Boeing which is completely pulled outta his ass
  3. Boeing stock tanks the next day

Fuck us all, the guy will break the stock market before he ever gets inaugurated.

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The union head at carrier just called him a low life liar about the saved jobs

It’s on yer YH

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Yea, the quote I saw yesterday was “he lied out his ass.”

That ain’t the point. The point is, evidently a bunch of people are in the market who take their investment advice from a known bullshitter.

I joined TWITTER just for teh God Emperor’s tweets. He’s the only one I watch there.

That’s the problem.

Has the electoral college voted yet?

Next week I think.

So it’s not too late for the Electoral College to take a good hard look at what this putz is up to and cause a big upset.

/the sky in my world is rainbow

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I think I read somewhere it’s the 19th.