So, I have this friend

I found college easier than highschool. I remember in my first year, I took some screen writing/poetry/short story sampler course. I didn’t go to half the classes, did my assignments, but I didn’t even buy the required reading until the day of the final exam which was open book so I wrote it, walked out with my A and returned the damn book for a full refund.

Unless you feel really sorry for the person - then an F paper gets a C, if I recall.

It wud be better to learn Fabricating stuff outa stuff laying around - that will serve you later in life

I really wish school, mainly elementary and high school, taught more practical life skills.


Might make it more interesting too, shit bored me to death and I hated the overhead bright fluorescent lighting…

In junior high school we used to skip out and it was like breaking out of prison, nowdays I see they’re going to put armed guards and metal detectors in them and it will really be like a prison lol.

I skipped out sooooo much in high school. We used to go to another school a town over and go to their classes (mostly drama) haha

School bored me too.

I am of the firm belief that this is feeding their addiction, as well as enabling their refusal to do anything on their own.

Or is it using current tools? Computers aren’t going away any time soon.

I am not suggesting that computers are going away. I don’t want to get into a big argument over this. In my opinion, students today rely far too much on technology. I use it when it’s helpful, but they need to get their faces out of the screens and into the real world whenever they can. They should be able to take notes. Wirting by hand engages a completely different part of the brain than keyboard writing does, and the handwriting brain wiring is FAR more beneficial to memory functions than the typing brain wiring. College students should fucking take notes. PERIOD.

I also make them look at each other and speak to each other. Heaven forfend!

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There’s no argument in my question. I wondered why you didn’t just embrace technology as a means of reaching students and I assumed you had good reason. I just wanted to know what it was so thank you :slight_smile:

The problems all started with the invention of yer electric and talking wires and sich

Good to know


I don’t know what started it. I don’t care, really. I do know that a vast majority of kids these days are hopelessly addicted to their devices and have a very hard time using critical thinking skills because they think the innernets can do their thinking for them.

Have you Googled it?

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If I cared, I would. And then I could sift through the millions of hits and try to decide if any of em were correct, or if they were all just full of shit.

But I don’t care.

I think it most likely started with the moment we evolved into homo sapiens, really.

Wait! Here’s where it started. That damn monolith.


I was just looking for it…thanks fer bein quick on the draw.

Thanks, but no cigar - I will highlight the relevant part

The Baghdad Battery or Parthian Battery is a set of three artifacts which were found together: a ceramic pot, a tube of copper, and a rod of iron. It was discovered in modern Khujut Rabu, Iraq, close to the metropolis of Ctesiphon, the capital of the Parthian (150 BC – 223 AD)

Yeah, I remember it, or rather a story about it from a couple years back.

I shuda poasted a picture of a trebuchet, maybe

I saw a doc where this fella said the pyramids were gigantic batteries - he made very convincing points - a step up from what Doc watches