The ripple effect

Will Murica finally wake up?

One of the country dudes at the festival did.


Everyone believes false flags when it was to do with going to war, but never when it includes taking away your rights.

So you’re arguing that Trump did this so he can take away your guns?

No… not Trump. :thinking:

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One might wonder what those ~600 people know about Hillary Clinton…


So Hillary ordered it. That makes perfect sense.

Soros. Hillary.

Same person.

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It’s less funny and more sad but I still have to laugh.


It takes a good guy with a suicide vest to stop a bad guy with a suicide vest.


Troll much?:slightly_smiling_face:

Nukes don’t kill people. People kill people. Needs moar nukes!

After we finish legalizing weed we’re going to use the gun fondlers as fodder for the private for profit prison system that they never defended us from. Get caught with a gun and it’s 20 years and we seize all your possessions too… your house, car, black velvet elvis painting and your fleshlight.

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Well guns aren’t unstable for one, and for two… people carry guns defensively. There is no “defensive” posture with a fucking suicide vest.

You sound like an idiot, I hope you realize that.

You’d sound smarter if one half of you wasn’t saying “give me liberty” while the other half was saying “no-one deserves liberty”

Look in the mirror kid… :stuck_out_tongue:


Except I believe in liberty. :thinking: You don’t.

What’s your definition of “Liberty?” In your own words man. :stuck_out_tongue: