The ripple effect

Gun fondlers have long supported the Liberty to lock pot users up and steal all their shit… some liberty you got, can’t even smoke a joint in most states without breaking the law. :stuck_out_tongue:

You should be able to do anything you want as long as it doesn’t intersect into what I want.

So on and so on.

I’ve never been against marijuana. I think habitual smokers are stupid, but I recognize the agricultural and health benefits.

Maybe if gun fondlers would have defended my right and liberty to smoke a fuckin joint I’d stick up for their liberty to fondle their guns… but instead the more authoritarian the gov. is, the more they love it. So why should I give a shit about their right to fondle guns bromo?

the state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one’s way of life, behavior, or political views.

Ah yes, typical lib.

Grouping everyone together.
I’ve signed many petitions to legalize marijuana and I voted for legalization when it went up for vote.

ahhh yes, typical moron, since I voted for it and marijuana is common here in WA, that must mean all gun owners support our right to marijuana and it’s accessible to everyone all over the land. :stuck_out_tongue:

You’re a moron kid… just like most conz… and nothing says liberty like signing up to be Uncle Sam’s bitch. :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s strange to hear you Americans talk about “liberty”. It’s not a word really in the Canadian vocabulary and I think it’s because it’s something that sounds good on paper but doesn’t translate in reality.

I did look it up and it says liberty is:

1. the quality or state of being free: a :the power to do as one pleases. b :freedom from physical restraint. c :freedom from arbitrary or despotic control. d :the positive enjoyment of various social, political, or economic rights and privileges.

2. the state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one’s way of life, behavior, or political views

3. the power or scope to act as one pleases

Synonyms include: independence, freedom, autonomy, sovereignty, self-government, self-rule, self-determination, freedom, independence, free rein, license, self-determination, free will, latitude, etc

Where does this truly exist? I don’t think it does in my country. I also don’t think it does in yours, which makes me wonder WTF is the point of arguing about something that seems to be nothing more than a neat concept on paper?

I’ll defer to you, my liberty loving southern brethren to set me straight :slight_smile:


It’s one of yer feel good bromides. Like Jesus loves you etc


Yeah, Jeff. That’s because the justice system is screwed up.