Thousands of snow geese perish in Montana

Sucks to be them.

Catching this shit ya tar sand hating on motherfuckers?

This is the cost of industry. Yours ain’t special.

We never said ours was special, we were just pointing out that yours ain’t either. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

This is the cost of some corporation poisoning some lake and never doing anything about it. Lock up the CEO for 20 years and his cohorts might have second thoughts before doing it again.

We already knew that. :stuck_out_tongue:

They didn’t really poison a lake. The “lake” was created in the pit of a former mining operation. It isn’t some pristine piece of wetland that they polluted.

Total off-side: Geese are assholes.

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Cons will be really down with this and be coming in their pants

Trumpy nominated a Science denying Fossil Fuel Cheerleader to head the EPA.

Nah…snow geese are white.

You did not get it - didya?

Don’t get into a flap about it.

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He should have taken more then a gander at my post

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A goose in the hand, is worth two in the lake.

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Meh…could have gone either way. I just wanted to say they were white, it amused me. The proverbial lead balloon. Won’t be the last one either…forewarned…You know how us old geesers are.

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Yeah, there’s that.