We just got gassed by Trump's POS Fed agents

It was a peaceful crowd doing nothing and those motherfuckers attacked… even after we had dispersed they chased the crowd and gassed us and shot a canister right at my roommate… Welcome to AmerikKKKa.


Were they Marshals, or what? does anyone know, what kind of feds?

That’s what a lot of people have said but I think they might be a mix of Marshals, DHS, ICE, etc.

Last night the protesters caught one of them a mulatto guy sleeping in his car drunk and he attacked them and took one down like a cop… but he dropped his phone in the process and one of the other protesters grabbed it and wouldn’t give it back… lol… dude was a wreck.

I went flying over one of those electric scooter things too… should have known better lol

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It was like getting bum rushed by a football team, then they chased certain people down, they were beating a POC next to the seven eleven, they gassed us again then and shot rubber bullets at us, almost hitting blondie.

Sounds like they want to see this stuff come to a detente, or some shit.

Wow dude just showed blood on the sidewalk down there right where we were and said they shot someone in the face.

what’s the best fb page for this?


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Holy smokes!

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Is that south park blocks PSU area?

No that’s the one next to Chapman square in front of the Federal Courthouse, that’s next to the Injustice Center.

We were on the other side of that van… my throat’s still fucked up.

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I fell down getting away from them and a couple people stopped and helped me up as they were charging.

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right as they came rushing out earlier…

They sure are doing a great job protecting those statues down there!

I was told we can now join Don’t Shoot Portland’s class action lawsuit.

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Fuck, the last good riot I was in was 50 years and a few weeks ago, when we were closing down the university here after Kent State, Cambodia and stuff. There was national guard on the fringes, and state cops from Dist. 1 up north, the Head Breakers, who were all CS gas and baton fuckers spoiling for a fight. Kid stuff compared to the rubber bullets of today.

What eventually shut it down here was the mobilization of a militia from surrounding counties of armed rednecks who decided to come to town and kick hippie ass, lots of those militia, and they were really why the Guard was sent in. Lock it down, enforce the curfew, run the militia out of town, close the Univ. Let the hippies win this one and then let them go back home for the summer.

What’s happened with teh ascendancy of the “moral” contards has been among other things the militarization of community policing and the growth of federal police power. It’s enough to gag a maggot.

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Yeah the assistant chief of police Chris Davis the other day was trying to encourage “community policing” during his bs press conference. I knew he was dog whistling for all the bigots around here to come down. We do get a few Proud Boys and other right wingers from Vantucky and rural OR coming down to take us on.

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Here it’s the fed troops Trump sent who are taking the center stage with a few PPB in the mix licking their ballz.

There would be state cops too but apparently they think so little of the PPB that they’re not interested in helping them with crowd control.

None of them are there to protect the protesters, they’re waging chemical warfare on a bunch of kids… sick… Murica…