Well..? I mean it's not wrong

Ah, yes! The “I was Trolling” defense! Very clever.

Trump should use that during his impeachment hearings.

Isn’t the US second?

Regardless of our population math, I believe it’s based on a percentage of GDP.

Nobody posts a meme as a logic argument of they’re being serious…ol

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And nobody, having poasted a meme, tries to pretend it’s a logical argument when others poke holes in it.

Except of course in the rare instances where it really IS logical, such as the ones I poast.


Why should you stay in the Paris Agreement? If the US is the second biggest CO2 emitter per capita, why aren’t you cleaning up your own backyard before tending to others?

I thought the Paris Accord was about cleaning up our own backyards, not tending to others’.

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Whatdya call this?


Canada - not doing hardly anything


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I’d call it an indicator that the US is emitting carbon at five or six times the rate Canada is.

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Canada may already be carbon neutral, so why are we keeping it a secret?

The answer comes from the most recent report (2014) of the Global Carbon Project, which states that global human-induced CO2 emissions were 36 billion tonnes. Of that, 36 per cent stayed in the atmosphere, 27 per cent was absorbed by water, and 37 per cent was absorbed by land.

That’s right — absorbed by land! Not all CO2 emitted by people stays in the atmosphere. Much of it returns to the earth, mainly through the carbon absorption and sequestration power of plants, soil, and trees.

So what’s the $3 billion for?

What’s the point - we got 6 times more stuff going on -

You’re the one trying to throw Canada under the bus. Why? I don’t know.

Most of the manufactured products here at my work, which many of you have heard of, are manufactured in Ontario and Quebec.

You sed we shud tend to our own shop and the rules here are pretty strict -

So what part are you disagreeing with?

I don’t disagree with anything

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Volcanos emit more CO2 than the entire human race. Charge countries with the most volcanos a higher fee.

No no DM. We have to pay to make their volcanos spew less CO2

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