What's the common sense gun law?

It is cute though, how he loves using a new phrase every chance he gets, he’s so proud.

You were done the second you typed that ad hominem bullshit, rather than defending your illogical responses to my argument.

“When did I ever make that argument about the 2nd Amendment, you liar?!?!”

Wipe Adam Gopnik’s cum off your face, and I’ll tell you, old man.


Concession accepted.

Son, the ass, whose your head is up, went off a cliff.

Enjoy the fall with him, you fucking lemming.


You’re such an angry little man, didn’t you eat your Wheaties this morning?

Don’t get mad because you hitched your wagon to a turd. It’s tacky.

I’l give you another huh, there, Crackdawg

You having to do that explains a great many things regarding your reasoning.

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What are you willing to do about it?

Most of the responses from some on this board are stripped of context, truth, logic and reason.

They all become personal attacks and do nothing more than attempt to justify their own behaviors.



Dude, seriously, it’s over. You kept track of your point worse than Decepticon ever did, and your gun law proposals did nothing to address the problem of a legal gun owner just deciding to blow some motherfuckers away.

Let this thread go. Your keys are in the lava. You are not getting them back.

Wait a sec…hmmm, I think this might just address the situation best.

Oh yeah, they are SPOON’s “various illogics, misapprehensions of the truth, and misrepresentations of fact.”

What is over, exactly? This is one of two active gun control threads. And even though you have ten times the number of posts in the thread that DM has, if a jury were to award the thread to anyone it would probably be to him. Get over yourself, mang.

And fuck off, Encina. You’ve contributed less than a popcorn fart to this thread, and you ought to get out of that stinky chair for a moment and go empty your piss can before it overflows.

Doesn’t make you cool. Makes you sound like the dweebie old fool that you are.

Just sayin’

You rolling around in your own vomit is apparently not.

Your practice of getting some arm candy to help you camp out on a thread declaring victory where no one else has thought so…that’s evidently not over yet either, where you are concerned. Even though it’s VERY 2008.

non-sequitur alert

See your Jar Jar binks funny.

I had to lecture Decepticon on this point several times - do not blame others when you’re the idiot.

  1. Your gun law proposals did not address the problem that was pointed out - it does not address the issue of a legal gun owner deciding to blow people away one day.

  2. You could not keep track of your argument. You posted a ‘common sense’ source, then claimed I made up the fact that you were pimping the main point of the source.

I’m not just declaring victory. I’m telling you why I’m victorious. Something you guys fail to do more often than not.

Here’s a huge stumbling block to your entire line of thinking, mang.

What exactly did you “win” with your “victory?”