Why White People, Why?


I don’t know why white people feel a need to turn wild animals into dancing puppets in the first place.

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Yeah, because they’re the only ones doing it, right?

I think she meant that of all people, white people should know better.

No they shouldn’t,

They are human beings, prone to errors, like every other “race”

I think you should take it up with LotusBud then.

Lotus knows me long enough to take me too seriously

Could be she shouldn’t.

Didja read the title of this thread?

Ima quote you to yourself in the future.


So, where do you buy your clothes?

I wonder if this is a real midget or just a really short guy

I’ll never say black people do something wrong because they are defective

I blame a devious plan devised by some smart people and put in place by oblivious ones.