WSJ: Trump clings to wiretap claim ‘like a drunk to an empty gin bottle,’


If there was no surveillance, how did all that stuff get “leaked” to the vile and filthy Democrat scum in the press?

Think on it, stupid.

So you’re saying that all the stuff Trump is denying is true, otherwise why would any of it matter?

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No, I’m saying it is now quite clear that the Trump campaign WAS illegally surveilled, private citizens were “unmasked” by the agencies responsible for that illegal surveillance and that information “leaked” to Democrat scum in the press – all done probably at the behest of the outgoing Obama administration – and the vile, filthy and CRIMINAL Democrats responsible have to pay for their crimes.

Quite clear, eh? Then no doubt you can provide the evidence to this clarity.

And it does sound like you believe that the content is true, otherwise why care?

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All the news reports, dummy. Where did that cherry-picked info come from?

And do I believe there may have been communication between the Trump campaign and the Russians? Don’t know, don’t really care. As I have pointed out, foreign agencies have always courted potentially new administrations in the run-ups to our elections. It’s simply smart policy on their part. There’s nothing wrong with the Russians seeking warmer relations with the US seeing as how we SHOULD be natural allies against the rabid hordes to the south.

All the news reports that say there is no evidence to support the claim?

Thanks for playing.

No, stupid, we’re talking about all the news reports that hyped “Russian interference” that were all, apparently, based upon inferences wished for based upon the scantest of hints found in illegally obtain information from illegal wiretaps of Trumps transition team that Obama clearly ordered.

Try to keep up, Rabbit.


Reggie thinks restating his empty rhetoric is somehow strengthening it.

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Already linked it, dear. Just google the latest bumblings of “Top Democrat” Elijah Cumstains – I’m quite sure you’ll be able to find it.

Silly me. I should have been more specific with you, considering your learning disabilities. I meant link to proof.

You mean like that nonexistent link to PROOF of Russian interference in our election? Like that?

So, you are saying Trump’s charges are true, but Comey’s are not? LMAO@the fucking idiocy.

Didn’t you guys hate Comey just a few months ago? Now his word is gold all of a sudden?

I hate all of those deep state people. But put Comey up against Trump, and I will go with Comey every time. Trump is a psycho with zero credibility. ZERO. He cares nothing about you, he knows nothing about government, he’s a liar and a cheat and a narcissist, and he’s basically retarded.

The deep state people are our mutual enemies, dear. Trump isn’t. But I’m sure Bernie really, really “cared” about you.

Trump is the worst of the worst. He is definitely my enemy.