Yep. pretty much...TRUMP is coming

You’re not Catholic or anything weird like that are You? They say that don’t matter, but I remember my Dad saying it does at least in small towns like the one I growed up in. You’re just supposed to believe in “God”

Could be. I am officially Catholic. Come to think of it… in the Freemason lodge interview they did ask me what church I belonged to. That was kind of strange.

Islam was/is a tool to keep a large portion of the 3rd world under control. The radicalization and striking out against the 1st world will not be tolerated much longer. it will dealt with like Communism was once they started eyeing global dominance.

And when will nudity and promiscuity become the accepted norms?

I would like the Aliens to keep me on ice till then.

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Here’s the thing… they don’t control every little aspect of life or every evolving social norm. That would obviously be impossible. The whole peace and love movement in the 60/70’s was outside of their purview. The green movement of today is outside their purview or interest for that matter. They do control the general direction of things when it come’s to economics, war and politics. For it all to work, people must have at least a modicum of free will.

You reminded me of something I read a couple years ago, it was an Interview with a guy form the Federal Reserve, he was talking about the FOMC Meetings, yanno, when the FED gets together and decides to raise i Rates or tighten the Money supply etc etc, anyway, he said they know fro experience and research pretty much how many lay offs, foreclosures, bankruptcies and plant closings etc will happen when they raise the rates a 1/4 point, or how many jobs will be created or whatever if they lower them, he said at times he felt a bit like they were playing god. (which in an abstract sense they)

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I could tell.

I would like to have my own Sealand

I have been all the US - camping - mostly - been up your way till fucking 83 dollars a gallon gas chased me out

And Curacao on my honeymoon

Almost every National Park in the USA

So not outside the US?

Well if Canada counts as “Outside the US”

Been to Chaminox to climb Mt. Blanc and Everest BC in Nepal myself… both quite a few years ago. That’s the extent of my international travel. No desire anymore. I’ve lived less than 100 miles from Mexico for 15 years now and never gone. Like Duke, I really don’t even care to leave my property anymore.

When you have internet you can go anywhere in the world without leaving home, and soon there will be hollidecks and all for real simulated environments. In any case, the North American continent is pretty big so could you see it all in a lifetime even?

I’ve been through most of the US and about 30 other countries in many parts of the world, a lot of them twice, no desire to travel anymore really… to me traveling is fucking work.


I agree but it lends a lot of perspective.

Well it ain’t inside the US :smiley:

I think BC is outside the US - Lake Louise I was - I guess that Alberta

I was to Alaska which I consider a foreign country cause they all suck up there thinking they are so fucking special

They think they it’s cold there - try fucking Northern Minnesota where I lived as a yungun fer a bit

I heard that Texas was bitching about being the 2nd largest state, and Alaska graciously offered to cut itself into thirds so Texas could be the 4th largest state

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Actually - Texas, from what I’ve heard, is like a whole other country itself.

I think of it more as “North Mexico” but with more white peoples.

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