You missed your chance, gunhumpers!

Roose has already poasted this topic, please ignore this thread.

Altho both thread titles were excellent in their own ways, I preferred yours.

Thanks. Perhaps eNorm will do his magic.

I think you secretly worship guns theR - seems to be on yer mind all the time

Just don’t jizz all over them - it may gum them up

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WTF is wrong with George Zimmerman? What a piece of shit.

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I think most of the guys here are probably just afraid of guns. It’s okay, we live in a different time where it’s okay to talk about your insecurities.

People should be afraid of guns. They seem to get into the hands of idiots and cause people to die.

I am terrified of guns - I keep plenty around me to confront my fears - It’s the manly thing to do

One is not afraid to die, therefore one is not afraid of guns.

The beginning of fear is when one finds out that one will die. The end of fear is when one accepts that one will die.


My Step Brothers best friend was a living example of that for us (and everyone else that new him) He was one of those guys that everyone liked, always smiling and happy…he got kicked pretty hard in a karate match, the bruise on his thigh didn’t fade away, it got bigger and the whole area swelled, after several days they go to the Doctor, the Doctors says Cancer kid, we’re gonna cut your leg off at the knee…chemo and other treatments followed, I didn’t see Robert all that much but I gather at a point Robert got very depressed, for like a week or so…then I guess he accepted he was very possibly going to die sooner rather than later, and he was back to his old self, except maybe even more serene than he’d been even before cancer…one afternoon as they all knew the end was near, he told his parents he wasn’t feeling good at all and maybe they should go to the hospital(he was getting severe headaches and aches and pains all over periodically)…they’re driving along the Bay on the way to the Hospital and Robert told his Dad to pull over…he told his parents he didn’t think he had time to go to the Hospital, and he asked his mom to sing him his favorite song of hers she used to sing to him as a youngster (Some Guamanian folk song) and he slipped away quietly as she sang.

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I have given this some thought, and I have come to this conclusion regarding your suggestion
















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One thing his family did do, I thought was kind of neat, they had this big get together all of Roberts friends and neighbors and several teachers and coaches etc and they had a big feast a lot of Guamanian food and bbq etc Mom was a war bride Dad was a good old boy Merican, in a way it was like an after Funeral Party. It was a fun upbeat affair.


That’s a bitter and sweet story. Some people I guess can accept things that they cannot control, better than others.

Yeah it was, that was years ago in High School, but as I recall the timeline from getting kicked in Karate to dying was only a few months. But I do remember They actually gave Robert some weed, actually packs of pharmaceutical joints, of some kick ass shit. and this was in the 70’s. they gave it to him to help fight the nausea during one of the series of chemo.

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My SIL’s lung cancer was in remission for awhile there, but has now spread to her liver. The doctor’s haven’t given her the “you have X long” speech yet… or at least she hasn’t said as much… and they do seem to still be aggressively treating it, but I think she has accepted the inevitability. Like your SB’s best friend, she has become very serene and actually a joy to talk to… something I could never say before the cancer. She wants my wife, her sister, to come out to Colorado to visit for a week or so. I’m having a hard time convincing her to go ASAP. She’s talking about maybe July or August and I’m like… Dear… you really need to go while she is still feeling strong enough physically to do some things.

I read a book a few months ago titles “Advice on Dying” by the Dalai Lama. it was very comforting and I highly recommend it.

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Yeah, get your wife out there, even though that would be a hard visit, it’s her last chance and I know she wouldn’t regret it.

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She needs to help her with a few things that I know SIL is overlooking. SIL keeps telling me she doesn’t want to be a burden to anyone. Well… as cold as it may sound at a time like this, that requires a little planning and SIL is not a very organized person.

Nonsense, since when is two sisters getting together to visit, a burden?