Another Malaysian Airliner Crashes

I was following your lead, Oak. Playing by your rules. See the bee die-off thread. I am sorry. Is that wrong?

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I agree that was pretty insensitive.

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I told you it was back on. I’m not going to stop. EVER

She won’t. I tried since before the board went down and then we came back yesterday and she was on it again.

I don’t have any incentive to call a truce. I was rebuffed at every turn.

As my bf says “people respond to incentives”. I have none.

Oh. I am sorry. You can feel free to sabotage my thread, but THEN it’s supposed to end. I need to write that down in my Rules of the Board According to Oak notes.

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Look psycho, do what you want.

I will too.

Of course you will. You never stopped. LMAO.

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Yes, I did stop insulting you.

And, I’m not like you. It doesn’t bother me if you post something stupid on my thread. You can’t help that you’re stupid.

No, you didn’t. You just think when you insult me it’s nothing and when I insult you it’s the end of the world. You are so used to insulting me you don’t even notice it when you do it. You never stopped. Not for one day.

And it doesn’t bother you when I post in your thread? LMMFAO. OK. I believe that.

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Lotus Bud often rebuffed LaGuardia’s olive branches.

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She’s a psycho.

JJ’s OK.


No it doesn’t.
It bothers me that you want to talk to me, even after all your whining.

I think you’re weird.

You are so bothered by me,it’s a riot.

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Sure weirdo.

The only riot is how you melted down over me posting on your bee thread.

That was classic.

I know. Here’s me melting down in my bee thread.

Oh, wait. That’s you. LMAO

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Yes, that was me yesterday.

Today I read I’m not responsible for the reaction my words cause.

So, you need to move on. I have.

Oh, goody. Oak has turned over another leaf. Everything should be good, then. :clap:

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I didn’t say that. You don’t understand anything.

I don’t like you and never will. What are you going to do about it? Badger and nag me to death?