Doctor Jo is the only choice

If they’re on the ballot in all 50 states and DC- why shouldn’t they be at the debates?

What’s your persons comparative polling #'s?

I’ll ask again.

If they’re on all 50 state ballots and DC, why shouldn’t they be in the debates?

PS: AR15s aren’t scary or intimidating.

Name one that is on every ballot over 50 states. Just one?

Nor is my fucking boot boyo, right up until you are wearing its tread on your face.

More importantly, why was I not invited to take part in the debates?


Dr Jo Jorgensen, but that’s not why I’m bitching. The duopoly starts at the debates.

If you were on all 50 ballots and DC, why shouldn’t you be at the debates?

The one thing about Biden is that he’s been in the game for 50 years and probably knows how to turn it on when needed.

Biden won the nomination because he has spent time getting to know the black community. POC in the US are not interested in candidates that come by every 4 years to ask for their vote and disappear for another 4.

I’m starting to believe that the debates are a waste of time. I don’t believe anyone is swayed unless they see a colossal screw up. And that is a stupid way to decide on a candidate.

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Not quite following you on what this, on the ballot trope is aiming for. But i believe Pat Mehomes will be the more attractive qb on the field of battle tonight. Bookmark it.

I take it you don’t have an answer.


Because they stand no chance and no one wants to have long drawn out debates.

That are really not even debates, per se, anyway

I have an answer bonnie lad, but I’m not sure you would like it.

I am already on thin ice with Cindy and P, so I have to be very careful who I flippantly skate over.

I think your opinion is tenuously valid, I just think your reason for making it is f-----g deplorable, considering the mire your country is in, right now.

What’s that like by the way…just being you, with your opinions? I always wanted to ask someone with your bent, just what it was that bent them!

I’m guessing Biden will not have trouble with WA, so Boro is free to toss his vote wherever he wants.


I fucking said that 3 months ago. It’s not freedom to vote his conscience he wants a medal for, but I’m fukked if I can say what it is that brings him back to this trope week after week.

Maybe we need a contest thread to design his medal.

Boro is virtue signaling. He’s so pure and all that bullshit.

We have Trump because of people voting for Bernie in the last election. It might not have made a difference in CA or WA, but it made a difference in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Ohio, etc…

But the thinking is the same.

Maybe something like a Trophy?

a la image

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Sometimes you still crack me the fuck up…
