
Never played a Charvel…

Greco Les Paul vs Gibson Les Paul…

I like the Greco better. Sounds a bit more gritty if that makes sense.

The Greco sounded a little flatter to me but here’s what I think the deal is, the Les Paul has a fresher set of strings on it. Put a fresh set on the Greco and it would sound almost the same.

Flatter. Thank you. I like that sound better.

The Ibanez GRX arrived today. I’m still waiting on the Fender amp and a few other accessories.


When the amp gets there you can crank it up and pretend you’re Eddie Van Halen…


I’m staying up for another hour to last minute snipe/bid on a guitar… Good price, I figure if I don’t like it I can hold on to it for a little while and throw it back up there, unless it ends up being a total POS when I get it…

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For Darla, to keep her inspired

Keep you fingers on the strings, honey.



Thanks Reg!

That provenance thing

I saw this on the BBC and thought you should see it:

Grateful Dead’s signature guitar could be yours at auction -

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Maybe I’m just cheap but I don’t think any guitar is really worth over a grand.

I’d imagine like anything cars, audio etc you get to a certain price level from beyond which any discernible improvement is very marginal, other than image.

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Yes, but that price point is considerably north of a grand.

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Just found one of these for a $100, older, made in the US model, looks to be in great condition.

Like what man? I know a lot of guitars sell for over a grand but do I really think any of these new $2k Fenders for example are really that much better than the one I paid $500 for? Doubt it. Not to mention a lot of shitty guitars sell for thousands of dollars, especially non Fender stuff.

Not to mention these days a lot of the way they’re manufacturing things vs the old days they should be way cheaper than they used to be instead of more expensive.

I don’t know a lot about Martins but is that $5k Martin really that much better sounding and playing than my $100 Yamaha laminate guitar if both had the same pro setup other than the headstock logo. If you stick a piezo pickup in the bridge is it really going to sound much different at all? I doubt it man.

Jeeze man, that’s about six questions. And I didn’t SAY that I myself would pay over a grand for any guitar…I might have paid as much as twelve hundred a couple of times for vintage stuff. There’s a diffference between me and some Japanese collector dude with deep pockets.

Take for example a Mossman Flint Hills, a Kansas built version of a D28 Martin. Stu Mossman built them for about six years back in the 1970s abd priced them at about the Guild D50 price point. They just aren’t LIKE a Martin or a Guild…there were not a gazillion of them in circulation…they have aged VERY well. So there’s no wholesale market and you’re gonna pay four or five grand if you want one of them. Do you NEED one? No.

Keep in mind that nobody needs to pay more than about 2500 for a new Martin or Collings acoustic because the discounters will sell very close to “cost,” With electric solidbodies, the top end is about half of that.

I hate piezo transducers and agree with you completely on that point

Laminates are a different story in some cases such as the Ibanez Ragtime Special from the eighties. Nothing else sounds like it, the sound is desirable in a certain niche, bring yer checkbook if you can even FIND one for sale… but generally, I’d agree with ya.

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