Hello again (And Australia is fucked thread)

Care to share? I want to show him some things that I’ve killed.

I am just a retiree, living on a fixed income.

I sent you link in pm.

I would throw in some Auzzie junkie slang, but I am not sure how much would hit home.

Slurred Oi brah I need a dollar for the busssss. I neeedd a dollla. Braaaaah I need a dolla for the bus. Commme onnnn man givvve meee a dollaaaaaa.

Dude, you guys have words that sound like Willy Wonka wrote your version of English.

We have noises that I don’t even know how to spell.

The one that gets me the most is this Ooorrrgggghhh that kinda sounds like a prolonged Or or like a moan of pain that is used to start sentences that normally end with Yeah nah yeah.

What does it mean?

I think it’s translate to something like “Attention fellows, I am about to begin speaking” It’s like a hand shaking procedure to begin communication here so that everyone doesn’t speak at once.

But because it’s not a word so much as the last slurred groan of a dying liver, I am unsure how to express it in text.

Anyway, per the thread title and recent news…



Oh, interesting.

What part of the continent do you hail from?


Eastern seaboard luckily.

As fucked up as it is, it’s somehow still the most civilized part.

We spend a couple million bucks a year to add shit to fuel so that abos in the center can’t huff the gas. They just add Styrofoam now and huff it anyway. Then we are paying socialist healthcare and goberment checks to the cunts until they OD.

If you go too far south they are incestuous.

Up north they are always getting raped by drought or hurricanes.

Then those pricks over the west want to leave Australia every time there is a mining boom and beg for help every time mining collapses.

I lucked out by landing here. Worst we got is a MASSIVE junkie problem. Meth, methylated spirits, and methadone bruh.

Also shit eats you just about everywhere but here. Here shit is just venomous.

I’ve been to NSW. But, not on your Eastern coast.

It’s a pretty place, and as long as you stay out of the water you’re almost guaranteed not to die minding your own business. I am from NSW and only almost die every two or three years.

I was there forever ago. Sydney is a gorgeous city. The harbor and bay are wonderful. I enjoyed it very much.

Are you referring to sharks?

I had one of the biggest laughs at Bondi Beach. My ex husband had relatives in Sydney. When we visited they allowed their two pubescent boys to go places with us as we played tourists. They younger one was about 11-12.

He gets into a snit and starts crying, jumps up on this concrete wall, and sits up there whining and snivelling.

We sort of keep strolling off in order not to give him too much attention. We hear some scuttlebutt. This local drunk/homeless dude/crackhead is pointing at this kid and bending over in laughter because the kid’s crying.

We all joined in the laughter, it was so contagious. I remember thinking “Brutal culture. When the homeless people point and laugh at you, where can you go from there?”

It has a nice tourist appeal but you wouldn’t want to live there. Everything is slowly dying from lead and mercury poisoning. So you do not want to eat that fish.

Got a few nice buildings to look at though.

But I am more a bushranger. Go outback and go walkabout. Find a few deadly things. Kill something. Look at the flowers. Then come home and burn the paralysis ticks off before you lose feeling.

Good days.

Although we got this thing in the ticks at the moment that can make you allergic to mammal meat and it scares the fuck out of me.

Oh, I’m carniverous. Wouldn’t want to become allergic to mammal meat.


BTW you can’t get rid of it and it never gets better. One bite, that’s it for the rest of your life no red meat.

No, sharks don’t bother me, I go spearfishing each warm season so that’s just a trophy catch for me.

It’s the small things. We have a blue ring octopus about the size of a thumb that stops your heart and lungs. You don’t feel anything then you just stop.

We have this small conch snail thing that shoots poisonous darts that do the same.

We have a fish that pretends to a rock and basically has hypodermic needles on top of it so if you step on it it auto injects a fucking horrifying mix of toxins straight into your blood stream.

There’s also a box jellyfish thing that swarms the ocean with fucking huge tentacles that kill you in agonizing pain, and if you survive burn your flesh like a brand.

With all this shit I am not that worried about being eaten because at least it will be quick.

A non water honorable mention though is the whitetailed spider. Whose bite somehow causes flesh eating disease.

That was a foot.